Spiritual Nepal Tour

Spiritual Tour in Nepal

best price guaranteed


  • Dates: Daily
  • Best Season: March/April/ September/October
  • Duration: 10 Days
  • Trekking Days: 0 Days
  • Grade: Divine
  • Commences At: Kathmandu
  • Ends At: Pokhara
  • Code: NPSN

Nepal has been recognized as a spiritual land and hence visited by many sages. The geographic location of the country is such that it encompasses tropical rain forest to Alpine tundra vegetation within 200 km which starts from the southern plain belt (60 m) to Northern Snowcap mountain range including Mt. Everest (8848 m). This is, perhaps, one of the main factors that make this territory an important source of spiritual energy.  The spiritual energy is such that this same region is the abode of Lord Shiva (the main Hindu God) and the birth place of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha. The facts that only in this holy land can Hindus and Buddhists go in complete harmony is the best testimonial of this land being spiritually very strong. The religious tolerance among Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Muslim is indeed a marvelous sight to see here.

Owing to these facts, we ensure that Nepal is the ultimate destination for people who are looking for spiritual solace. Here, after consulting with the concerned masters, we have come up with this specially designed itinerary that can literally bless you with the spiritual energy and keep you happy ever after.

It’s now or never. If you think that you have messed up your past and it resulted into melancholy, you deserve this special retreat.

Take this time to become aware of your thoughts and how you can affect your thought patterns. Become more aware of your body and how its movements affect your mind. Gently work with your mind and body to overcome your limitations, to experience your true nature and to feel completely present and alive.



The idea of retreat is to step back from contemporary life and look into nature, the nature of the physical world, and the nature of mind. Retreat provides inner and outer space to unfold. It is an opportunity to look inward, and ultimately expose reality in its most raw form.
Whether you are a beginner or practice yoga regularly, come and enjoy the powerful energy, peace and surroundings of this unique opportunity to retreat in Nepal. You will take away a new practice and a lifelong treasure.

Featured Packages

Spiritual Yoga Trekking

  • 8 days
  • Price: best price guaranteed

We have introduced Yoga Retreat Trekking in Nepal.Mountains have been the first choice to embark spiritual journey for many renown ascetics. Lord Shiva, the god of all the gods and goddesses, preferred Mt, Kailash to meditate. Similarly, the Buddhist Bodhistwa Padmasambhava also wandered in the remote mountains for spiritual practice. The Himalaya indeed has a strong spiritual energy. Therefore Trekking in Nepal is not only for merely recreational activities but also an opportunity to open the d

Discover Nepal’s remote shrines

  • 8 days
  • Price: best price guaranteed

The mystic land of Nepal has been a holy abode of docile Buddhist who walk through high passes in the mountain and carry out Trans-Himalayan trading with the help of yaks. Their world remained unknown to the world until the trekking expeditions took place as a tourism activities.
